"What happened — his being on the roof, a 75-year old man with a hammer, doing household work and making sure his home and family were safe from the rains — is (was?) so like Ka Bel. He lived and worked from day to day always with meaningful intent, with purpose, with the aim to protect and defend those he cared for and loved the most. And that purpose extended (oh how it it did reach outward and forward like an undeniable force of nature!) beyond his family — he embraced the working class, the Filipino people, and even the poor and oppressed of other nations." - From a tribute by Ina Silverio
Truly an exemplary human being and a rare breed of Congressman. Read the whole thing over at Ellen's blog.
Hi Tongue, yeah it's tragic. If those Congressmen who received bags of cash from Malacanang had a conscience, they would at least feel some sense of shame, but that would be a wishful thinking on my part.
The only consolation is that Ka Bel will be remembered with gratitude by the Filipino people as one of the few good men in a den of thieves.
“The sad irony of Pinoy society: a patriot dies fixing the house, a tyrant continues to survive by destroying it.
Hi Tongue, yeah it's tragic. If those Congressmen who received bags of cash from Malacanang had a conscience, they would at least feel some sense of shame, but that would be a wishful thinking on my part.
The only consolation is that Ka Bel will be remembered with gratitude by the Filipino people as one of the few good men in a den of thieves.
His ironic and untimely death only means a grief into revolutionary courage among his comrades.
Ka Bel struggle lives on!
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