Thursday, November 29, 2007

Philippine Quarterly GDP Growth Dashboard: 1Q 2004 to 3Q 2007

This is an update of the GDP Growth Dashboard from the previous entry to include the 3Q 2007 figures. The graphic below shows the quarterly growth per sector from 1Q 2004 to 3Q 2007. The graphic is derived from data made available at the NSCB Web Site:

Growth Rate per Type of Expenditure
(Click on image to enlarge)

Growth Rate per Industry Sector
(Click on image to enlarge)

(Further updates later.)

*Very Good means that growth rate for a given period is greater than the median growth rate for the periods considered by equal or more than one standard deviation as computed using the 1Q 2004 to 2Q 2007 figures.
**Good means that the growth rate for a given period is equal or greater than the median growth rate for the periods considered as computed using the 1Q 2004 to 2Q 2007 figures.
***Poor means that the growth rate for a given period is less than the median growth rate for the periods considered as computed using the 1Q 2004 to 2Q 2007 figures.
****Very Poor means that growth rate for a given period is less than or equal to one standard deviation below the median growth rate for the periods considered as computed using the 1Q 2004 to 2Q 2007 figures.

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